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Jan 29, 20193 min read
Can your Workspace Affect Productivity?
I led a workshop a few weeks ago about Leadership Agility. It was all about servant leadership and dismantling hierarchy. The problem...

Mar 29, 20182 min read
Consultants vs Contractors
Are you a contractor or a consultant? I’ve noticed that with the “gig-economy” these terms have gotten jumbled. Let’s see if we can...

Mar 8, 20183 min read
Are you Playing the Game?
Are you baffled by why some people get promoted and others don’t? Do people at work do things that seem to make no sense? Are you...

Mar 6, 20183 min read
How are you Shaping your Job?
“I’m in a dead end job.” “My job is operational, we do routine work. There’s no opportunity for learning or innovation.” “I have ideas...

Feb 22, 20182 min read
Shhh Secrets to a Good Interview
There is a ton of advice out there about successful interviewing. It basically boils down to a list of things to say and not to say. ...

Feb 21, 20182 min read
Can you Find Fun at Work?
“Write down everything that makes you laugh today at work.” How many sheets of paper will you be needing for this exercise? None? When...
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