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Jan 17, 20192 min read
Middle Managers, find your Collective Voice!
Middle Management is possibly the suckiest job in corporate life today. Why? Because middle managers get it from both sides; their...

Jan 16, 20192 min read
Ranking Workers is Inhumane
As we move into a more Gender-Whole world, one of the patriarchal artifacts that we can leave behind is Ranking. When we say ‘ranking’,...

Jan 10, 20192 min read
Respect the Journey
It seems to be popular sport today in the workplace to throw stones at whether or not people are “Truly Agile”. Calling people “not...

Jan 9, 20192 min read
Order and Harmony
In his book “Radical Wholeness” Phillip Shepherd introduces the idea that order and harmony are not actually a pair, they are opposites....

Jan 7, 20192 min read
Why do you want to Retire?
Let me get this straight, you are working your butt off so that you can retire? You are planning to spend most of your life doing the...

Jan 6, 20191 min read
Stop Learning in 2019
Did you think you misread that title? Nope, I am in fact suggesting that you know enough. There’s nothing else you need to know. So if...
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