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Jun 28, 20182 min read
Pay Attention to the Noise
There is so much information coming at us nowadays, the ability to filter has become a standout skill. But are we filtering out valuable...
Jun 27, 20183 min read
Dealing with Complexity: Stop Analyzing, Start Probing
Complexity in organizations is a hot topic right now. With technology advancements creating an interconnected world, companies have been...
Jun 21, 20182 min read
Artificial Intelligence: Freedom or Imprisonment?
There’s a big debate recently on the threat of AI (Artificial Intelligence). Will computers take all the human jobs? What will humans...
May 28, 20182 min read
The Anti-Circle Bias
A colleague once encouraged me to make my powerpoint graphics linear, because then people will better understand them. “Show them where...
Feb 22, 20182 min read
Shhh Secrets to a Good Interview
There is a ton of advice out there about successful interviewing. It basically boils down to a list of things to say and not to say. ...
Feb 21, 20182 min read
Can you Find Fun at Work?
“Write down everything that makes you laugh today at work.” How many sheets of paper will you be needing for this exercise? None? When...
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